Fall TV 2013

Sunday, August 11 2013 is the date TV fans are waiting for. The final eight episodes of Breaking Bad are upon us. I can’t say that I am disappointed that the series is going to end. Truly great TV series can only last so long before things begin to get watered down and the potency of each episode gets less and less. This is why Breaking Bad, to me, is one of the great TV shows in recent history. In a time where seven to eight seasons is the norm for this type of show, we are getting only five with Breaking Bad, which seems just about right.
When it comes to TV shows, AMC is has already proven that they can go blow for blow with HBO and win. As we saw earlier this year, AMC’s Walking Dead had more viewers than the immensely popular Game of Thrones which both aired in the same time slot. Granted, HBO is a little more exclusive than AMC. Still, the point remains: more people are tuning in to AMC to watch quality shows. And there is no problem with that.
Being a huge Walking Dead fan comes with a blessing. Once Breaking Bad is done and in the books, the new season of Walking dead is just around the corner. And let us not forget Sons of Anarchy is on the horizon as well with another ten episode season.
And yeah….Football. My Sundays are going to be jam packed this fall. I’m looking forward to it. Just…one…more…week.
Tags: breaking bad, game of thrones, sons of anarchy, Tv, walking dead