Kaptara – The Pull – 8-5-15

Here is what I plan on picking up this week:
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #7
Injustice is a prolific comic that certainly belongs on any DC fan’s pull list. I can’t say how much fun this comic book is any more. Seriously, just take your time and start from the beginning. This is one alternate DC reality that is way more fun than anyone could have expected.
Fade Out #8
Ed Brubaker is no stranger to pulp-noir books. Fade Out is no exception. If you are even remotely a fan of this genre and haven’t been reading this book, you’re doing yourself an injusctice.
Jupiter’s Circle #5
Mark Millar has proven time and again that he can write one hell of a story. Sure, he totally writes these with the intent that they are pretty much story boards for movies. Still, that’s no reason to avoid these books as they are absolutely entertaining. Jupiter’s Circle, much like Jupiter’s Legacy, is no exception.
Kaptara #4
If you are a fan of funny comic books, you have a ton of awesome options out there, including Chip Zdarsky’s excellent sci-fi comedy. This guy has knocked it out of the park with his art on Sex Criminals, hit a home run with his writing on Howard the Duck, and is going for the tri-fecta with Kaptara. Though only three issues in, I can honestly recommend this series for the long haul.
Outcast #11
Due to be a Showtime series soon, Outcast is a creepy book about possessed souls that is just as scary as the movie The Excorsist. I can’t wait for the TV show, but at least we have this book. If you want to get in on the ground floor with this property, grab the first two trades as soon as possible.
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #3
When you have Dan Slott on a book, you know you have quality. When you have him on a Spider-Man book, you pretty much know what you’re going to get, which is nothing short of fun. And Renew Your Vows is one of the better Secret Wars tie-ins, so there’s that. Man I love this Secret Wars event!
Darth Vader #8
Star Wars is about to go to critical mass. And with Marvel putting out Star Wars books by their top-tier creators, you know that they are in this to make some serious money. These books are canon, beautiful, and fun. Darth Vader is the perfect companion book to the core Star Wars comic. If you are reading only one of these books, you are seriously doing yourself a disservice.