Reyn On Me – The Pull – 8-12-15

Here is what I plan on picking up this week:
Rebels #5
Brian Wood has done an excellent job portraying life as an American rebel in this Revolutionary-era story. Clearly Wood is a fan of American History. I myself have been drawn to this subject for over a decade now. Books like Founding Brothers, John Adams, and 1776 paint a perfect portrait of life in these days. David McCullough’s 1776, in particular, is a wonderful companion read along with this comic book. If you are a fan of this era, or American History at all, this is a great read and a more personal tale than you would think.
Batman #43
What can you say about the All Star duo of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo? They have put together arguably one of the better Batman runs in recent history. From Court of Owls to Death of the Family to Zero Year to End Game, this team has put out one amazing Bat-story after the other, and this one seems to be right on par. And with that cliff-hanger at the end of last issue? I can’t wait to pop this one open.
Descender #6
Jeff Lemire is a personal favorite creator of mine. His storytelling is just as good as any other creator out there. His art is a wonderful water-color inspired swash of beauty. While Lemire isn’t on art duties in this book, Dustin Nguyen is the perfect artist to compliment Lemire’s tale. One could easily mistake Nguyen’s art with Lemires, and that’s not a bad thing. This is a wonderfully heartfelt story amidst horrible atrocities in what can be described as a nearly post-apocalyptic sci-fi world hell-bent on killing all robots.
ODY-C #6
If you’re reading this, you probably know that Matt Fraction is “hot stuff” right now. After just ending his breakout Hawkeye run a couple weeks ago, he is now completely free and ready to engage in crazier tales. That’s not to say that he hasn’t already. ODY-C is a sci-fi retelling of Homer’s Odyssey, loosely following the iambic pentameter that the original story was told. But let me be honest here, this is one strange, strange book. I can’t honestly recommend it outright. It is hard to read, and the art, while colourful and creative, is just as odd as the dialogue. I’ll wait to recommend this book until after it is finished.
Reyn #7
This book has gone places that I never would have guessed in a thousand years when I first began reading the series. What I thought was going to be a medieval/supernatural story completely turned things on its back, flipped it around again, and then shot itself 500 miles from where it began. Now I am reading a sci-fi tale about a dead planet and it’s dead inheritors travelling through the far reaches of space in search of a hospitable planet? Uh…yeah, this book is way crazier and way more fun than I would have ever thought it would be.
Walking Dead #145
With the third compendium ending with issue #144, we were left with one hell of a cliff-hanger. But then you think to yourself that this is Robert Kirkman, the reigning king of the cliff-hanger. And with the start of the next compendium officially beginning this week, we are sure to see some crazy stuff here. Rick Grimes, what is next?
Howard the Duck #5
Chip Zdarsky is on a role these days. Working with Matt Fraction on Sex Criminals as the artist, putting out a crazy-fun book in Kaptara (which saw a release last week), and now Howard the Duck coming out this week? This is one prolific, funny man to follow. Howard the Duck is no exception. This is a funny tale that should not be missed.
Planet Hulk #4
Ever since reading Avengers A.I. I have been a fan of Sam Humphries. Now he is on writing duties for one of the better Secret Wars tie-ins with Planet Hulk. How about this premise, an alternate version of Steve Rogers is wandering the land of Planet Hulk with a pet T-Rex and a super-intellegent Hulk in search of Bucky Barnes. Haha, yep!
Secret Wars #5
Speaking of Secret Wars, it is a total shame that a lot of Marvel’s titles are getting delayed due to this event. We are months in to this epic and are only on issue #5 of the core series. But that’s not to say that the event has been bad, in fact, it has been completely awesome. The time in between releases, however, is completely not awesome. Still, I can’t wait to read this title as this is turning out to be one of my favorite, huge events in recent history.
Star Wars Lando #2 – Have yet to read issue #1.
Fadeout #8 – Wrote about this issue last week.
Well, that’s all I have for this week. Let me know what you think in the comments!