The Pull – 10-9-13

Coming off of a great week, my expectations are pretty much shot this week. I’m just going in with a blank slate. Here is the pull:
Star Wars #10
Batman #24
Superman Wonder Woman #1
Walking Dead #115
Avengers A.I. #4
Infinity #4
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #4
X-Men #6
As usual, there are probably some books I missed and will end up getting. Seems to always happen to me.
Anyhow, Batman proper is back, which makes me happy. With the first act of the Zero Year arc done, it’s time for things to move on. I haven’t been the biggest fan of the Zero Year arc so far, especially considering the excellent stories this team has had in this run. However, after hearing Snyder and Capullo teasing what is to come on Kevin Smith’s Fatman on Batman podcast, my hopes are up.
Moving on, we are finally getting into the All Out War event of Walking Dead which oh so conveniently coincides with the premier of the newest season of the TV show. And based on what has been going on in the book so far, I simply can not wait to dig in. The rapid release schedule is going to be great for fans of this book. And with Adlard getting help with inks, I hope the art improves a bit despite that rapid schedule.
Finally, we have Battle of the Atom continue with X-Men this week. With what we have seen from this story so far, this is going to be my “read first” book this week over The Walking Dead, which is pretty significant for me.
All that said, what does your pull look like this week?
Happy reading.