The Pull – 5-21-14

Here is what I plan on picking up this week. Unfortunately, the DC pickings are again absent…Marvel is dominating things for me these days:
Amazing Spider-Man #2
Amazing X-Men #7
Daredevil #3
Original Sin #2
Uncanny X-Men #21
X-Men #14
Damn this new DD cover looks awesome, doesn’t it? Mark Waid is a tried and true writer that has been as hot as ever. Couple his amazing work with Chris Samnee and Javier Rodriguez and you have a very special book. It’s not too late to pick this book up if you haven’t already; this is one of the better super hero books out there now and you simply can’t go wrong with it.
Moving on, Original Sin has proven to be a fun, murder mystery read. Mark Waid’s issue #0 was fantastic while Jason Aaron’s change in tone was a little jarring with issue #1. Still, Aaron has proven to be a fantastic writer as his Thor: God of Thunder series has been awesome. Be sure to pick this one up if you are looking for a nice little isolated event to sink your teeth into.
Also, I had someone comment on my last post that all he saw a ton of $3.99 and $4.99 price tags on the shelf. Has this caused you to cut back on the books you read? For me, it certainly has played a role. I am way more choosey with what I pick up week to week. The old $2.99 standard definitely helped me to buy and try out new books that I normally wouldn’t have.
That’s all I have this week, folks. Let me know what you plan on picking up in the comments below!