The Pull – 8-14-13

Here is my pull for this week:
Batman #23
Lost Vegas #4
Walking Dead #113
Infinity #1
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2
Uncanny X-Men #10
I am always excited for a new Walking Dead, even if I know what the upcoming “All Out War” means for the issues leading up to it. Having already made his move against Negan, Rick is left in a rather odd place. How are we going to see Rick get out if this predicament? Will he even get out? We don’t know. I wouldn’t put it past Robert Kirkman to leave Rick out of the upcoming story line as a prisoner of sorts. Either way, we are in for a wild ride on that front.
Additionally, one can never get too excited when Batman Wednesday comes around. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have earned many a reader’s trust. Although I am not a huge fan of what I read in “Zero Year” so far, I still have faith given the talent at hand. I hope the next issue moves the story along faster than what we have seen so far.
Finally, we come to the conclusion of Lost Vegas. Is it me or has this book been coming out once every two months? The finale of this story has been a long time coming. If you ask me, I am a huge fan of these four part mini series that Image has been giving us lately. So far, The End Times of Bram and Ben is up there in my top comics of the year. The finale of that story put together the whole story better than just about any comic I have ever read. Here’s to hoping Lost Vegas does the same thing.