We Don’t Need Roads – The Pull – 10-21-15

I do realize that this is pretty much played out by now, but I can’t help it. This is the year of Back to the Future and I am truly excited. I began celebrating this fantastic trilogy earlier this year by reading Caseen Gaines’ fantastic book, We Don’t Need Roads, which brought tons of awesome insight to the series that even a casual fan of the series would enjoy. Seriously, I can’t recommend that book enough. It chronicles the making of the trilogy from its inception all the way to its everlasting legacy.
Next up, I re-played Tell Tale Games’ Back To The Future again, which is actually a great game. All that coupled with a few more viewings of the trilogy and I still can’t get enough. That’s why I am so excited to read Back to the Future in comic book format.
Back to the Future will always remain one of the best and most iconic movie series in history. It holds a special place in my heart, and it is a joy to be able to share it with my son. I hope he passes it along to even younger generations as time passes.
Well, here is what I plan on picking up this week:
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #12
Back to The Future #1
Reyn #9
Tokyo Ghost #12
Amazing Spider-Man #2
Astonishing Ant-Man #1
Darth Vader #11
Invincible Iron Man #2
Journey to Star Wars the Force Awakens Shattered Empire #4
And that’s all for now. See you next week!