Comics, uh oh…
I started this blog about a month ago. 38 or so posts later I look back and realize that my site is not turning out to be what I initially expected it to be. What I have here is a comic book reviews website. Being a fan of tech, games, TV, and sports, I came into this thinking that I would be covering each of these categories somewhat equally. Turns out I have almost exclusively focused on comic books.
Why is this the case? Well, because as a medium, I have been consuming them more than anything else. Each Wednesday I find myself at Big City Comix on State Line getting my pull. And each week I can’t wait to get home and read them. In the end, I find writing about what I have read fun. I look forward to putting my thoughts on each book down. It all started with me giving each book a rating in the notes app on my iPad. It ended up with what we have here. It’s fun to write about comics.
Now I do consume my fare share of tech, sports, TV, and video games; almost enough to rival my passion for comics, but not quite. And I do try to write about them as much as possible. In the end, what it all boils down to is time. Do I have the time to play each new game that I buy to the end the day I get it? Maybe sometimes, as is the case with Gone Home (which was short and sweet). Most of the time, nope. TV? Well, yes to that one. I don’t watch much TV at all. Now, I watch Breaking Bad and football. That’s about it for me. As a result I can review each episode of Breaking Bad as it comes out (Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy soon to come).
But when it is all said and done, I have read and reviewed multiple comics each week. Games and TV shows, not so much.
I the end, I am going to write about what I like and enjoy. If it happens to be comics, then so be it. TV or sports? Whatevs. I’m doing this because it is fun for me. That’s all that matters.