Lazarus #3 Review

Lazarus is quickly becoming a favorite book of mine, and justifiably so. The first two issues of the series were a great read. I am glad to say that issue number three is great as well.
Greg Rucka has put together the best issue of the series so far. The writing in this issue is superb as far as dialogue goes. More and more, I appreciate being able to read dialogue easily, if that makes any sense. Reading this book is easy because what the characters say seems believable, conversational, and it just seems right. That’s why I enjoy reading Matt Fraction. This week’s Batman Superman was quite the opposite; it was hard to read.
Michael Lark’s art is as good and consistent as ever. The meat, however, is how the plot moves us along and introduces us to quite the interesting set of premises. The Carlyle Lazarus, Forever, is presumably captured by the Morray’s at the beginning of the book. Her and the Morray Lazarus brutally ease themselves out of this awkward situation and eventually find themselves relating to one another, Lazarus to Lazarus. Forever is here to see the Murrays to broker a deal that would mutually benefit the rival families.
Meanwhile, the Carlyle twins continue with their scheming at home, planning to take out their sister and Lazarus, Forever. While Forever is meeting with the Morray’s, she places a deal, or ultimatum depending on how you look at it, on the table. This deal is not only revelatory, it is something that finally sets in stone where we might be heading in this book.
Comics have always been about cliffhangers. The same thing can be said here. While we are left with a cliffhanger that begs you to buy next issue, I found what preceded the last page of the book more than enough to keep me hooked. This is a story that is shaping up to be brilliant. I am excited to see where we are headed with this world.
Score: 8.9