Looking Back – The Pull – 12-16-15

Christmas is almost here which makes you think of back on 2015. This has truly been a fantastic year for all the geeks and nerds out there. Just think back, early on we saw Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron hit theaters followed by Ant-Man not too much later. Oh yeah, Jessica Jones came out…that was pretty fantastic. We also had tons of awesome video games release including Metal Gear Solid V, Halo 5, Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, and Star Wars Battlefront just to name a few. Steamworld Heist for the 3DS just released (definitely check this one out) as well as other awesome portable games (Downwell for iOS/PC) and Lara Croft Go.
Add to that all of the amazing comic books that came out this year. Descender was a wonderful surprise that I would highly recommend. And with Star Wars The Force Awakens coming out in just a few days, we haven’t been lacking on Star Wars content. Each and every Marvel Star Wars book that came out has been fantastic. Seriously, they’re really, really good. Marvel wasn’t messing around here, they brought their best talent on board for these books and it truly shows.
Oh yeah, both Marvel and DC rebooted their universes this year too, no big deal.
And the year isn’t over yet. There’s still tons of good books coming out now and next year seems to be looking even greater. I think there’s six comic book related movies out in 2016! Wow! As 2016 approaches fast, let’s not forget and look back to the wonderful year we had in 2015.
Here is my pull for this week:
Klaus #2
Descender #8
Goddamned #2
Huck #2
Tokyo Ghost #4
Darth Vader Annual #1
That’s it for now. See you next week!