Lower – The Pull – 7-29-15

This is a pretty busy week for me. Lot’s of great books coming out and only so much time to get through them all. Good problem to have, though. Here is what I plan on picking up:
Superman #42
Since John Romita took over the art on this title, I’ve been on board and have finally been enjoying a Superman book on a regular basis for the first time in a while. We finally have a Superman story where he is somewhat fallible and not just a god among us. If your’e looking for a different take on a Superman story that strays from the norm, look no further.
TMNT #48
This run of the Turtles has been pretty fantastic. From the art down to the massive story arcs, this title screams quality. If you’re even just a casual Turtles fan, this book should definitely be on your radar.
Casanova Acedia #3
Matt Fraction is one hell of an interesting writer. Casanova is a book, while releases have been sparse, that’ll hook you in after reading the first few issues. This is a story about two men trying to find out what and why they are what they are amidst a sea of normal humans.
Lazarus #18
Greg Rucka and Michael Lark’s Lazarus is a passion project that shines through. We pretty much have an entire world built on strong foundations that makes it easy to immerse yourself in. While bleak, this is a world that screams to be made into a AAA blockbuster. I’m surprised this hasn’t been optioned yet!
Low # 8
Low is an interesting title to say the least. The washed out, water-color look of the book is gorgeous in its own rite. And the story is just as rich and interesting. Rick Remender is on point here. Check it out.
Sex Criminals #11
Speaking of Matt Fraction, this is a very well regarded quirky story that no adult comic fan should be missing.
Daredevil #17
Mark Waid and Chris Samnee have been consistently churning out what I regard as the best pure super hero comic book for a few years now. While this series may not have been directly affected by the Secret Wars event quite yet, it feels right at home rooted in good old San Francisco.
Star Wars #7
A lot of great things have been said about Marvel’s new take on Star Wars. And rightly so, this book is fun, fast, beautiful, and guess what, it is official canon, so check it out if you are a Star Wars fan in any way.
Thors #2
Jason Aaron is a man with a mission. Putting out several fine titles, Thors is but another amidst his sea of great books. The premise? In Battle World, a team of alternate reality Thors are the police force. The most famous of them is tasked to solve a murder mystery that even he questions his ability to solve it. Yeah, this is pretty much awesome.
X-Men ’92 #2
Are you an X-Men fan that grew up in the ’90s? Then why aren’t you reading this?!?
Well, that’s all I have for this week! Thanks.