Slow September – The Pull – 9-30-15

September has been one hell of a slow month for comic books. With DC trimming titles and Marvel constantly delaying books amidst their gigantic Secret Wars event, this has to be one of the slowest shipping months in recent history. Still, there are quality titles to be found. Here is what I plan on picking up this week:
Batman Annual #4
Penned by Batman veteran James Tynion IV, this annual is sure to tie in to Scott Snyder’s masterful work on the title. This issue is sure to be dark, brooding, and quite simply, classic Batman. Don’t skip on this if you’re following Snyder’s run.
From Under Mountains #1
This title boasts an all female creative team in a male dominant industry. This is great to see. I am excited to get my hands on this fantasy title as the medieval fantasy genre is getting more and more popular.
Captain America White #2
Amidst the modern turmoil going on in the Marvel and DC universes, it’s a nice refresher to see a throwback title like this in my pull. This re-telling of Captain America and Bucky Barnes’s origin is not your run of the mill origin story, it is different enough to warrant a read if your even a casual fan of the subject matter.
That’s all I have this week. Let me know what you think in the comments!