Superior Foes of Spider Man #2 Review – You Didn’t Get To That

Let’s cut to the chase. I’ve heard this before and I feel like this bears repeating: The Superior Foes of Spider-Man would not be here if Hawkeye wasn’t such a success. This comic clearly takes many of its cues from Hawkeye and doesn’t hold back. From the way the dialogue is presented to the way the art is presented, this is clearly trying to be the next Hawkeye. And quite frankly, I don’t see anything wrong with that. I loved reading this issue.
This issue was as fun a read as any. In fact, it has been the most fun read of the week so far. The story continues to elaborate on the life and times of the down and out villain, Fred Myers, aka, Boomerang. Just paroled, Boomerang continues to try to figure out how to take his motley team of C and D-list villains and turn them into a new Sinister Six. The humor that ensues is unrelenting. While certainly not the smartest book on the shelves, Superior Foes delivers cheap laughs that I am not ashamed of enjoying. The “I don’t wanna die with a boomerang on my forehead” line was priceless.
The art in this book is just ok. Backgrounds seem to disappear in panels and the lack of a true inker on this book clearly shows. The art would have benefited tremendously had there been one on board. However, there is a certain nostalgic feeling of the way things are presented that harken back to the 1970’s. I almost wish I could have read this issue with the old style non-glossy paper.
One quibble I had was the recurring “I’ll get to that” line regarding Silvio Silvermane. To put it quite frankly, the issue never got to it. The buildup to figure out what Boomerang’s relationship was with Silvermane throughout the issue turned out to be for naught. We are just left hanging in what seems to be a mistake. A mistake this big is unlikely though. However, it was still disappointing.
I don’t know where this series is going, but I really don’t care. The last two issues have been enough for me to want to continue on. Sure, we are getting cheap laughs and par for the course art, but this comic gives me a certain nostalgia that I only get from reading old Marvel books from the 1970’s and the 1980’s.
Score: 8.7