Superior Spider-Man #19 Review

Issue number 19 of this series is the closing of what has turned out to be a great three-part arc featuring Spider-Man 2099. As we know, the writers at Marvel love to weave a story out of the fibers of space and time. Luckily, Dan Slott is more than capable to tell another time altering story that doesn’t fall into the same weary tropes we are used to reading in this medium.
Just when you think you knew what was going to happen at the end of this arc, you are thrown the proverbial curveball and the status quo of an entire universe has changed, presumably forever. This is a great story and if you haven’t been on board from the beginning, I highly encourage you to get on.
The characterization of Ock-Spidey continues to adapt and evolve in unsettling ways. Though Ock-Spidey has never truly been a likable character, I find he is growing more and more unlikable each issue. This is especially true in this issue. To put it simply, he is a big jerk. And his jerkiness somehow continues to grow with each subsequent entry in this series. Even Marry Jane has decided to move on from associating herself with Peter Parker. Parker’s Horizon Labs cronies are fed up with him too. You kind of want to feel sorry for Spidey, but that same jerkiness makes you change your mind.
The beauty of this series, however, is that no matter how much of a jerk Ock-Spidey is, I am compelled to read this series. This push away from the typical Spider-Man status quo has been more than refreshing.
Last, but certainly not least is the beautiful art of Ryan Stegman. This guy rocks, plain and simple. He belongs on Spider-Man books…period. As a matter of fact, the art actually improved as each issue in this arc hit the stands. You get the feeling that he got in a groove as he went along. I really can’t say there is any weak point in the art as a whole; from the colors to the inks, everything looks great.
With tons of exciting news about this series from New York Comic Con announced, I am really looking forward to reading more.
Score: 8.9