The Pull – 12-17-14

662933_batman-37It’s Annual time. What does that mean? That means you’re going to be spending around $5 a pop to continue reading your favorite series to completion. Sure, they can be hit or miss, but when you’re a completionist like me, you just have to pick them up. I have yet to read my Guardians of the Galaxy, Uncanny X-Men, or Amazing Spider-Man Annuals from last week so I can’t really judge this year’s offerings so far. But hey, with Christmas coming up in a little over a week, I will have plenty of time to get all my reading done.

Speaking of last week’s books, I  just have to say that I’ve come around to Axis as of late. Sure, the story isn’t exactly what you would expect from a big Marvel event, but you know what, it’s actually pretty refreshing. Seeing our heroes turn into villains and our villains turn into heroes is a nice mix-up to end the year on. Despite lukewarm reception to Superior Iron Man, which is a book that has come directly out of Axis, I have been really enjoying it. It is fun and just different. Who knows how things will play out. I started reading this arc with high expectations only to grow disappointed. Now that I’ve accepted what it is, I have just thrown all cautions to the wind and am enjoying it for what it is.

So what do I plan on picking up this week? Here goes:

Batman #37

Wytches #3

Avengers and X-Men Axis #8

Guardians of the Galaxy #22

Inhuman #10

This week’s pull is not too heavy, but it sure is filled with quality. We get two Scott Snyder books this week which is always a treat. As I mentioned earlier, Axis is turning out to be pretty good so I look forward to reading this coming off of last week’s great issue. Brian Bendis’ Guardians of the Galaxy run has been awesome, I mean come on, we get to see a Venom Groot! Finally, Inhuman has been pretty solid which should come as no surprise considering Charle’s Soule is at the helm.

Well, that’s all I have this week. What do you plan on picking up? Let me know in the comments!

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