The Pull 12-3-14

Well, last week was fantastic. My personal favorite books, Trees and Superior Foes of Spider-Man came out and I couldn’t be happier. Trees is gearing up for something huge and Superior Foes ended its run on a high note. Here’s to Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber. Well done, fellas.
This week’s pull is smaller than normal for me:
Robocop #6
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #5
Swamp Thing #37
Low #5
Inhuman #9
Robocop has been entertaining, but nothing special. It’s turned out to be a run of the mill OK run so far. In my opinion, you just can’t beat the original film. On the other side of the spectrum, you have Injustice which is nothing short of amazing. This book is so crazy and entertaining, I honestly think that this book is up there with the best of what DC is putting out there today. That’s a huge statement and I know it. Who would have thought that a video game tie-in comic book would have been so great?
Moving on, we have another bitter-sweet book to discuss in Swamp Thing. I started with Scott Snyder’s new 52 run and was hooked. When Charles Soule took over writing duties, I felt like the series didn’t skip a beat. Props to that guy.
Well, that’s all I have for this week. Thanks for reading!