The Pull – 12-31-13
December 31, 2013

Well here is the final pull of the year. 2013 was great and it seems to be leaving off in a bang:
Injustice Gods Among Us #12
Superman Unchained #5
Guardians of the Galaxy #10
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7
Obviously, Superior Foes is the book that I am most looking forward to. What a great year this has been for this breakout comic. Here’s to hoping that this book sticks around for a long time to come.
I am stoked to read this last(ish) chapter of Injustice. This book continues to prove why I am enjoying isolated universes more and more. All bets are off in this series as the unthinkable is bound to happen.
What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments!