The Pull – 2-12-14

Here are the books I am excited to read this week:
Star Wars #14
Batman #28
Injustice Year 2 #2
Walking Dead #121
She-Hulk #1
Superior Spider-Man #27.Now
The fact that Dark Horse is losing the Star Wars comic license this year makes me sad considering the quality books that they have been coming out with lately. However, Brian Wood is no stranger to working with Marvel, so I hope he stays on board in some way when the series moves over. That aside, I am really looking forward to reading this month’s issue of Star Wars. Wood has woven together a fantastic story for our main heroes that is better than I could have ever imagined.
Meanwhile on the DC front, we are treated to yet another Zero Year Batman issue as this long arc continues to lumber along. Many out there feel that this storyline is amazing. I may be in the minority here, but I am just not feeling it. Getting another Batman origin story is the last thing I wanted, even with Scott Snyder at the helm. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s good, but I just don’t think that it’s that great, especially coming off of such great arcs such as Court of Owls and Death of the Family.
Finally, I’d like to talk about She-Hulk. Charles Soule is quickly becoming hot stuff. If you aren’t familiar with him now, prepare yourself. You are going to be hearing more and more about this guy. Why not jump on with She-Hulk? Who knows, you might find yourself telling people that you liked Charles Soule before it was the popular, hipster thing to do.
That’s all for now. What do you plan on reading this week? Let me know in the comments.