The Pull – 2-17-15

This year is going to be huge. With both Marvel and DC putting out events as close to a re-boot as possible without being such, we are going to see the end of some great books. Some will live, some will die, and some will carry on but with a simple name change. What will happen to the ultimate universe? What will happen to 616? Only those on the top of Marvel and DCs food chain know, but that’s alright. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us this summer. Whether these major events happen to be amazing, or just downright ridiculous remains to be seen. Either way, my interest is piqued and I can’t wait for all of this to begin.
But here we are now with great books still coming out. Here is what plan on picking up and enjoying this week:
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #10
Kitchen #4
Lazarus #15
She-Hulk #12
Silver Surfer #9
Uncanny X-Men #31
I think I have sounded off on the Injustice horn enough so that if you have been reading this blog, you would know that I consider this one of the most fun and entertaining reads out there. We are years into this series and I still can’t believe how much I have been enjoying this video game tie-in. Who would have thought that this would turn out to be so amazing? I guess when you give creators the opportunity to unleash on a story where canon doesn’t matter, you will be given greatness. At this point it is safe to say that this is one tie-in comic that is way better than it should be and even trumps the video game that brought it into existence. Please pick this series up from the beginning and read it if you are a fan of world ending, mind blowing, dimension shattering fun.
Next up we have four books led by awesome female protagonists. Kitchen is looking to be a sleeper hit this year as we venture into the lives of four mob-wives who chose to run their partner’s illegal activities while they are locked away. This is a book that would surely translate well into film.
Both Lazarus and She-Hulk are two books that simply beg to be read. Both protagonists are experts in their field of trade and even more. While both books couldn’t be any more different, both do a great job of setting you into the world in which they inhabit. Lazarus’ post-apocalyptic, oligarchical world is bleak, but vivid while She-Hulk is as good of a legal and court room drama that is out there. Don’t miss either.
Finally, I want to hit upon Silver Surfer. Both Dan Slott and both of the Allreds have put together something special. All I can say is that this is arguably one of the best comic books of 2014 and the series continues to blow my mind. Just do yourself a favor and pick this one up. Get the first trade, start from the beginning, and thank me later.
That’s all for this week. Let me know what you think in the comments!