The Pull – 2-25-15 – Diversity in Comics

Last week we saw a ton of great books led by strong females. We saw the ladies of Kitchen (a highly underrated series, mind you) establish dominance in the male-dominated world of organized crime. We saw Forever Carlyle put on quite a show of strength, agility, and utter prowess in Lazarus. We saw the mighty She-Hulk use both brains and brawn to bring down a former villain pretending to be a hero. We saw Dawn Greenwood stand up for an entire planet. And it was not until now that I realized that my pull was dominated by female heroes and anti-heroes. This is a great thing. This day and age, when you can sit down and read a stack of comics without even batting an eye at the fact that most of them are led by women is amazing. Sure, I did think of it now. But the fact that we can even have so many books like this is a testament to how far this industry has come.
Diversity is key here. We need to see more diverse comic books. We need to see more black leaders, latino heroes, and homosexual role models in this medium. We are heading there slowly but surely. I can’t wait to ride along and see where this medium goes. Here’s to the future.
And without further ado, here is what I plan on picking up this wonderful (and cold) week:
Batman #39
TMNT #43
Low #6
ODY-C #3
Amazing Spider-Man #15
Daredevil #13
Darth Vader #2
Inhuman #12
Superior Iron Man #5
Thor Annual #1
Speaking of female leads, we are getting our fare share of them this week with Low, ODY-C, Inhuman, and Thor. All of these books are great in their own right. Low is a surreal and beautifully rendered book that takes place under the sea. It is a sad world under there; one that I am more than intrigued with. ODY-C is one of Matt Fraction’s latest weird experiments which attempts to retells Homer’s epic Odyssey with an all female cast. Rounding out the rest of this week’s female protagonists are Inhuman’s Medusa and the all new female Thor, both of which are great books and worth the read.
I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about Superior Iron Man. This is a book that I suspect will be cancelled by the end of the year. This is a shame because this book is fantastic despite its critical failure. Don’t sleep on this series, it is great. Coming straight out of the Axis event, this is a book that has captured me despite not really digging the event it spawned out of. If anything, wait a few months and read a few issues on Marvel Unlimited if you subscribe. Who knows, you might just see something in it that you like as I have.
Finally, I can’t think of a book that I have looked more forward to reading than Darth Vader #2. So far, Marvel has been knocking it out of the park with the Star Wars franchise. While the main Star Wars book was great, Darth Vader is simply amazing. And with Mark Waid’s Princess Leia book coming out next month, I can’t be a happier Star Wars fan.
That’s it for this week. Let me know what you plan on picking up this week in the comments! I always look forward to some feedback.