The Pull – 7-23-14

Another week and more great books coming out. Let’s cut to the chase:
Batman #33
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Two #8
Superman #33
TMNT Turtles In Time #2
Transformers Vs G.I. Joe #1
Trees #3
Amazing Spider-Man #4
Daredevil #6
The big news this week: Batman Zero Year is ending. With a $5 price tag, we know we are in for a few extra pages. And believe you me, Snyder and Capullo are going to need it. Reigning in and ending this modern-day epic is going to take a lot of work and a lot of mastery. These two are more than up for the task, though. I know, I know…in the past I have harped on Zero Year’s meandering and somewhat uninspired story. Coming right off the heels of two legendary arcs, Zero Year just felt a little weak for me. The past few issues have been pretty damn good though, and I am expecting the finale to not disappoint. However, no matter how good we end this arc, that doesn’t excuse the fact of how much of a whimper this whole thing started out as.
Moving on, we have a slew of great books to read including the Amazing Spider-Man #4 and Daredevil #6. Both of these titles bring me back to my childhood. These are perfect examples of what a super hero comic book should be. We all know how surprisingly fantastic Superior Spider-Man turned out, and Amazing has been no slouch. And Daredevil, what can I say? If you haven’t been reading Mark Waid’s current run on this book, do yourself a favor and get yourself a subscription of Marvel Unlimited, download the iPad App, and start from the beginning. You will not be disappointed.
Speaking of my childhood, well, we have this little book coming out this week called Transformers Vs G.I. Joe. Sure, sure, these two have co-existed in crossovers before, but just look at that cover? Does that not speak to every child of the eighties? Take my money, please!
I can’t stop there, though. We are seeing yet another amazing Warren Ellis book take shape with Trees. Though only two issues in before tomorrow, I can already tell that this book is something special. I don’t feel the need to elaborate on that. If you are an Ellis fan, you know what I’m talking about. If not, well grab the first two issues while you are at the store tomorrow alongside issue number three and call yourself lucky.
Finally, I can’t leave without talking about Superman. Growing up, I read a lot of comics from the eighties and nineties. John Romita Jr. was always a favorite of mine. There was something about his style that was both simplistic and complex at the same time. Sure, his art style is divisive; some love it and some hate it. I love it. Bringing him on this suffering title along with DC legend, Geoff Johns was just enough of a kick in the balls to get me reading Superman again. The last issue was surprisingly good and I highly look forward to reading this next installment.
Well, that’s all I have for today, folks. Let me know what you plan on reading this week in the comments. There’s nothing more that I love doing here than to talk to all of you about comic books!