The Pull – 8-28-13

Another week, another pull. As it seems to happen more weeks than not, there will probably be a book that I didn’t plan to get sitting there at the shop for me. Nonetheless, this is what I do plan to read this week:
Batman Superman #3
Injustice Gods Among Us #8
Larfleeze #3
Lazarus #3
Thanos Rising #5
Uncanny X-Men #11
I just want to start things off by saying that I am super excited to read Batman Superman. Greg Pak had me wondering if the book was going to be worth reading every month after the first issue. Things were just a little weirder than I was expecting out of this book. Jae Lee kept me around. Luckily, last month’s second issue was phenomenal. Greg Pak’s story sunk its hooks into me. The cliff hanger involving Lois Lane at the end was a great twist. I don’t think that I had a chance to elaborate too much on this site about Jae Lee’s artwork, so here goes. I think that it is amazing. Batman Superman #2 brought that issue over the top into “amazing” territory for me. I do understand people’s concerns with his style, that’s fine. To each their own. I love it and I can’t wait to get my hands on more of it.
Speaking of things that are divisive, I am a fan of Thanos Rising. Think of me as you will. I have read each issue and have thoroughly enjoyed them all. If the story seems to ruin Thanos for you, I can understand that. The thing about this mini series is that if you remove Thanos from the fold and put a new, unknown character in his place, I think the story stands its ground. And that, folks, is why I read comics. I wouldn’t read it if I didn’t enjoy it. That is why I had to drop the new JLA. I just wasn’t into it and that’s ok.
Moving on, I want to talk about two comics that I have enjoyed but feel that they need some redemption. Those books are Larfleeze #3 and Uncanny X-Men #11. With Larfleeze, I thought the first issue was funny and entertaining. The second issue, while I enjoyed it, I just didn’t get the same out of it. I think it can do better and I am not ready to give up on that old dog. Regarding the latter of the two books, two weeks ago Uncanny X-Men gave me probably the biggest disappointment of the year. The art was simply not my cup of tea while Bendis seemed to give us his b-game. Uncanny has been great this year so I hope this hiccup is just that…a hiccup.
I need to give honorable mention to Injustice. Injustice has been a great read as an aside from the normal DC universe. I have been picking this one up in paper form rather than the preferred digital, so I get to experience it as a monthly. I still find each issue to be a good read and think that when it is over and done with, it will be a great story that no one is really going to really care about, which is unfortunate.
Finally, we have Lazarus. The first issue was great. It did a wonderful job of introducing us to a new world without leaving my head full of question marks (kind of like Chin music did). The second issue built upon that foundation with intriguing plot points that sets up interesting scenarios to come.
Oh wait, before leaving, I just want to mention that I finally picked up the first trade of Saga and am on my way to catching up. I wish I got on this train from the very beginning as it is a great read. As soon as I am caught up, I plan on reviewing it.
Good reading.