The Pull – 9-17-14

jul140612With a great week of books, the launch of Destiny, and the season premier of Sons of Anarchy behind us,things are still not slowing down for me! But that’s a good thing. With all the amazing means of entertainment we have at our fingertips, I am happy to be a reader, a gamer, and a watcher these days. Life as a geek is good.

All that aside, here is what I plan on picking up to read this week:

TMNT Turtles in Time #4

Satellite Sam #10

Trees #5

Daredevil #8

Superior Spider-Man #33

Uncanny X-Men #26

By no means is this a huge week for me, but it certainly is a solid week. As I have said before, when Daredevil is in my pull, it is pretty much guaranteed to be a great week. Mark Waid is a seasoned writer and Chris Samnee is an amazing, breakout, Eisner Award winning artist. You simply can’t go wrong with this combination. In my opinion, this is by far the best true super hero book out there these days. Waid’s portrayal of this street-level hero is just about as good as it gets. Reading this book is fun, enthralling, and rewarding. If you’re interested, I would highly suggest you start from the beginning, and by that I don’t mean issue number one of the “All New Marvel Now” run, I mean issue number one of the “Marvel Now” run (yeah, this sounds confusing, but hey, I don’t make these names up). I would suggest purchasing a subscription to Marvel Unlimited and read everything. Your money on the subscription will have more than paid itself by the time you reach this point.

Moving on, Image is a hotbed for fantastic new stories. Matt Fraction’s Satellite Sam has been amazing thus far despite being somewhat hit or miss each issue. Just when I think the guy is meandering and going nowhere, Fraction always seems to find a way to pull me back into the story with surprising twists and turns to this noir murder-mystery story. I would suggest picking up the first trade and going from there.

Keeping with Image, Warren Ellis’s Trees has done nothing but enthrall me. From its initial premise all the way up to issue four, I have been anything but disappointed. I can’t help but feel that this is a masterpiece in the making, but I have to bite my tongue here as you never know what’s going to happen. Given Ellis’s track record, though, I would put my money on him. This is going to be an epic, world-sweeping story that can’t be missed.

Does my pull look a little DC deprived? Well, that’s because I just can’t get pulled into many of the New 52 stories. They just don’t seem to be grabbing me the way that Marvel’s stories are. As of now, my DC books consist of, in the order of my favorite first on down goes like this: Injustice, Batman, Swamp Thing, and Superman. That’s about it. And yes, I do think Injustice is amazing and I am more than happy that it will continue on with Year Three. It’s that good, folks.

Well that’s all I have for now. Let me know what you plan on reading in the comments!


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