Daredevil – The Pull – 4-28-15

Warning, minor Daredevil TV Show SPOILERS below.
As I mentioned earlier, we are in no shortage of comic book entertainment on both the small and big screens. Daredevil, just released less than two weeks ago, has proven to be a huge success. Already renewed for a second season out in 2016, it seems like the comic book TV train is never going to stop. And with a show as quality as Daredevil, I can’t wait for more.
Daredevil was something special. Being on Netflix allowed it to be a darker, more grim series. And the fact that the series still fits in to the MCU is surprising given its very lurid nature. And with the family nature of Disney and Marvel, seeing broken bones pop through skin and heads getting bashed in in multiple ways was shocking. After watching the first episode, I knew that this was too intense for my six year old son to watch. He can get his comic book movie enjoyment out of Age of Ultron (yes I know it is PG-13, but comparing that movie to Daredevil makes Ultron seem PG).
Having such an adult-oriented comic book TV show is refreshing. This is something that I never knew would have happened. We should all be glad that both Disney and Marvel were brave to take such a risk. We are better for it. If you were ever on the fence on whether to watch Daredevil or not, let me tell you now, you can’t go wrong with this show. Sure, there are flaws present, but what show doesn’t have any?
Where we go from here is promising. We have an Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Defenders show on the horizon fir Netflix and each will have ties to the MCU. How cool will it be to see each of these heroes in Captain America: Civil War? All we can do now is hope that such a thing happens. With the way things are going now, it’s hard to believe we won’t be lucky.
And with that said, here is what I plan on picking up and reading this week:
Batman #40
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three Annual #1
Multiversity #2
Superman #40
TMNT #35
Outcast #8
Daredevil #15
Inhuman #14
Princess Leia #3
Silver Surfer #11
Speaking of comic books on TV, we see a book coming out this week that was already optioned for a TV show in Robert Kirkman’s Outcast. If you haven’t been picking up this creepy, scary book, then you don’t know what you’re missing. This adult book is super entertaining. Grab yourself the first trade, curl up on your couch and creep yourself through it. You won’t be disappointed.
Finally, I’d like to end things with one of my favorite books of last year, Silver Surfer. This book is sadly coming to an end. Let me just say that this book was a pleasure to read and shouldn’t be missed by anyone that loves this medium. If you pick this book up, you will not be disappointed.
That’s all I have this week. As always, let me know what you think in the comments.