Guardians of the Galaxy # 8 Review

Guardians of the Galaxy #8 is amazing. From the art to the writing, this issue is the best that the series has offered so far, and that is saying a lot.
I’ll admit, I was worried with this issue coming in as the previous issue hit the stands just a couple weeks ago. This had all the makings of a cheap Infinity tie-in. If that is what you thought too, you need to rearrange your mind and buy this book.
Brian Bendis continues to hit all points of what makes the Guardian’s a great set of characters. Groot is Groot and Rocket Raccoon is Rocket Raccoon. And both are as funny as ever. Want a “murdered you” quote? You got it. How about a few perfectly placed “I am Groot’s”? Check. Hell, you’ll even get a perfectly placed Star Wars reference and why not? Marvel owns Star Wars now and with Angela already in the mix, why not get some Chewy action in Guardians? I kid, I kid.
This is an amazingly fun issue with style to spare. Fransesco Francavilla’s art, while quite a departure from Sara Pichelli’s, is amazingly stylistic and fits this issue’s tone and setting perfectly. There are tons of 80’s inspired neons and dark contrasts in this issue. It is an amazing book to look at.
I just can’t give enough praise to this issue. The story is fantastic as Bendis finds a great way to weave Angela into the mix after her tumultuous first interaction with the gang. Even the Infinity tie-in is masterfully handled. We even get a little foreshadowing as why and how Star Lord and Drax are still alive after the Cancerverse fiasco. While nothing is answered on that front, it is nice to see that it is going to get dealt with.
I’ve said this before, now is the perfect time to get on board with this series as the movie just wrapped filming. Get in now. Buy this book.
Score: 9.5