It’s a New Year – The Pull – 1-5-16

2015 was an amazing year for comic books, and for geekdom in general. If there was anything that defined last year in comic books, it was Star Wars. That series took the industry by storm, easily being the biggest selling IP of the year. Star Wars simply dominated, and deservedly so. Marvel spared no expense when it decided to put its top talent on these books. Jason Aaron, Mark Waid, Mike Deodato, Salvador LaRocca, and John Cassaday among other greats were on these titles. Sure, with the Force Awakens out last year, its no wonder the comic books were huge sellers, but the quality has kept many around for the ride, myself included. And this week, we see two titles come out continuing on with the current Vader Down crossover, which has been great along with a prequel-era book.
Other than Star Wars, there is a lot to look forward to this week. I can’t say I’m more excited for anything than Swamp Thing #1 which is penned by none other it’s co-creator, Len Wein. I can’t wait to get my hands on that book.
A couple other titles I’m looking forward to is Fade Out and Paper Girls, two image books with a strong, strong pedigree that I can’t recommend enough.
And with that said, here is my pull for this week:
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #1
Swamp Thing #1
Fade Out #12
Paper Girls #4
Darth Vader #15
Doctor Strange #4
Invincible Iron Man #5
Obi-Wan and Anakin #1
Star Wars #14
Vision #3
And that’s it for this first wonderful week of 2016!