Old Man – The Pull – 1-27-16

Here we go, another week, another pull. But before I get to the list, I’d like to talk just a little about what came out a week ago. Last week’s comic books were amazing. Each and every book I picked up was a great read from front to back. Silver Surfer finally made his post-Secret Wars debut and it was fantastic. Dan Slott and both Allreds have picked up exactly where they left off with my personal favorite comic book of 2015. I can’t state this enough, if you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and read what is arguably the best Silver Surfer book ever.
Meanwhile, Tokyo Ghost ended its first arc in a way that left my jaw dragging on the ground while I was thinking of what could possibly come next. Rick Remender and Sean Murphy are on fire with this book.
To cap off last week, Ant-Man was as good as ever as was Star Wars and Injustice. I simply couldn’t get out of my chair while I read each book. What a great week.
Well that’s enough for last week. Here is what I’m picking up this Wednesday:
TMNT #54
Jupiter’s Circle Vol.2 #3
ODY-C #9
Outcast #15
Extraordinary X-Men #6
Old Man Logan #1
And that’s it for this week. Until next time!