Sex Criminals #2 Review

Sex Criminals #2 is a great book and a fun read built upon a premise that’s both wacky and intriguing. You see, our two protagonists, Jon and Suzie, have the amazing ability to stop time..but only when they orgasm. And what does this mean? Well, it means have sex and begin to rob the hell out of stores and banks.
Where last issue was a sort of origin story for Suzie, this issue serves the same purpose but for Jon. Matt Fraction’s dialogue is just as spot on as it was last issue, maybe a little better. Fraction’s way of telling Jon’s story is brilliant and funny while Chip Zdardsy’s art fits perfectly. The fact that I am a male reading this, I may be relating more towards the main focus of this issue, Jon. Still, however, Suzie is obviously the main protagonist of the book as she is the title’s main narrator. Her story is amazing as well and seeing the couple’s interactions with each other is priceless.
In this issue, we also find out that Jon and Suzie aren’t the only one’s out there that can inhabit their time-stopped world. Little is known of these other people chasing them down at this point. It seems as though they are some sort of time stopping orgasm police. One must not have sex and use their time-stopping orgasm abilities to commit crimes apparently. Odd, but it works.
Now that we have the two main character’s beginnings explained away, it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty: what are Jon and Suzie to do after their revelation that they are not alone? Keep an eye out on this title, folks. It is a very mature yet quirky book that is begging to be read.
Score: 9.0