Star Wars All The Way -The Pull – 6-3-15

We are officially halfway through the year and that means we are that much closer to Star Wars Episode VII hitting the theaters. And there is nothing better to fulfill that Star Wars urge than by reading the amazing Star Wars titles that Marvel is currently putting out. Don’t get me wrong, the Dark Horse books were great in their own rite. Brian Wood’s Dark Horse series, which ended right before the transition to Marvel, was amazing and felt like it could have fit right in with the current Marvel run. I believe you can still read these books via Marvel Unlimited now, too, if you have access to that. That comes highly recommended.
This week we see a trio of new Star Wars books come out. Of the three, it’s hard to say which is my favorite. Mark Waid’s Princess Leia is an awesome book that will be coming to a close after issue #5. If what you’re looking for is a great, self-contained title, look no further than this.
The Darth Vader series is a great companion book to the amazing mainline Star Wars title. While each of these books is different, they do tend to tread upon similar ground, so that may be a turn off for you. Either way, you can’t go wrong with either of these books or even both.
Here is what I plan on picking up this week:
Jupiter’s Circle #3
Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #1
Darth Vader #6
Princess Leia #4
Secret Wars #3
Secret Wars Battle World #2
Star Wars #6
Superior Iron Man #5
Honestly, there is no book I am more excited to read this week than Secret Wars #3. So far, this event title has not disappointed. While I am kind of scared of what the status-quo will be once this event ends, I can’t help but be nothing but entertained with this universe-altering event. It really doesn’t get any bigger than this, folks. Get on board while you can.
Well that’s all I have for this week. Let me know what you plan on reading in the comments!