Summer of Hawkeye – The Pull – 7-13-15

Oh yeah, summertime is in full swing and the heat is not letting up. The Ant-Man movie is just around the corner and Fantastic Four is hot on its heels. Not to mention we are in the very midst of a fantastic event in Marvel’s Secret Wars. Nerd culture is in full swing and I am loving it.
Here is my pull for this week:
Reyn #6
This Image published book is better than it has any right to be. Though this book feels like it would be more at home with Dark Horse, I am glad that it is even around. Creators Kel Symons and Nathan Stockman are turning out a high fantasy, sci-fi book unlike any other I have read. At issue #6, I feel like I can go ahead and give this one a thumbs up if you’re into this type of stuff.
Trees #11
There’s not much to say here. Warren Ellis’s Trees is a great book based off of its premise alone. Though things seemed to be dragging on a bit longer than I would have wanted, things are heating up quicker than this summer. With Issue #11, we are definitely in for some amazing storytelling.
Ant Man Annual #1
With the Ant-Man movie right around the corner, this book is hot stuff. Nick Spencer was on point with Marvel’s Superior Foes of Spider-Man and this series picked up right where his comedic tone left off. If you’re a fan of good, fun, and funny comic books, look no further than here.
Guardians of Knowhere #1
Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato on a Battleworld Guardians book? Uh, take my money please!
Hawkeye #22
Hawkeyes vs. track suits. Matt Fraction and David Aja are concluding this critically acclaimed series in what is sure to be a tour de force of storytelling. It’s a shame that this series languished as much as it did the past two years. This book is single-handedly responsible for bringing a mass of new fans to this medium, and justly so. Like it or not, this is the duo that, even now, is making waves across both major publishers’ titles. Just think of how many books these publishers are putting out with the tone of this comic.
Planet Hulk #3
I love Sam Humphries as a writer. Avengers A.I. was criminally underrated. He continues to put out awesome work (Star Lord) and Planet Hulk is no different being one of the better Secret Wars tie-ins.
Secret Wars Battleworld #3
You never know what’s going to happen in these types of tie-ins. Heck, we saw the first appearance of the massively popular Spider-Gwen in Edge of the Spider-Verse. Who knows what we’ll see here. If nothing else, we saw one of the best Punisher moments in modern times.
Silver Surfer #13
Dan Slott and Michael Allred’s Silver Surfer was arguably the best new book out last year. If you haven’t been on this, do yourself a favor and pick it up from the beginning. Thank me later.
Well, that’s all I have for this week. Let me know what you plan on picking up.