Superior Foes of Spider-Man #16 Review – Penultimate
Superior Foes is a fantastic book. No, it is an amazing book. As a matter of fact, it’s as consistently good a book as there ever has been. Sad part is, it’s ending. With the penultimate issue in the books, this is going to be a bittersweet review. On the one hand, the fact that it’s ending should be considered a travesty. On the other, this is probably the best comic I’ve read in the last month.
Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber have put together a fantastic issue here. Things are coming to a head (pun intended) as the “Sinister Six” seek to become the leader of all organized crime in New York City. How do they expect to accomplish that? They have the head of Silvio Silvermane. Crazy right? Well, things get even crazier as the book moves on.
As can be expected, the way the book reads is akin to watching an Oceans Eleven movie. Just when you think things are going down, something happens that completely flips the script. The flippant way this is happens is as hilarious as it is entertaining. I can’t really go on too much without spoiling the story, but let me just say that you will be thoroughly entertained with this book.
Speaking of hilarity, there aren’t many books on the market that make me laugh as much as Superior Foes. Nick Spencer is able to craft funny dialogue that will definitely put a smile on your face. In particular, there is a scene where Tony Stark is talking to Mach VII on the phone that is down right hilarious. Immediately after this conversation, Steve Lieber takes the helm and puts together some physical humor done right. Lieber’s art style fits perfectly with this series.
All in all, this is a great read. While not a self-contained, stand alone issue, this is as good as the series has been. In order to fully appreciate the story and even the comedic beats it hits, you would have to have hopped on board from the beginning. But that’s not to it’s detriment. Rather, this is a great example of how Spencer is able to weave together such a great story.
As I stated, it is a shame that this book is ending, but all things must come to an end. When it’s all said and done, we will have one hell of a series to look back on and read on a regular basis.
Score: 9.7