The Pull – 10-22-14

aug140877I read and filed away last week’s comics so fast I can barely remember any of them. Ah, but a couple did actually stand out. Both Superior Foes and Trees were two awesome reads. The former, to be particular, was simply amazing. This is a series that I am sad to see go away, but with Nick Spencer taking his talent to a new Ant Man series, I will be more than happy to pick that up.

That aside, here is what I plan on picking up this week:

Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #2

Superman #35

Lazarus #12

Walking Dead #133

Amazing Spider-Man #8

Avengers and X-Men Axis #3

Cyclops #6

She-Hulk #9

Take a look at the title for Injustice and tell me that’s not a silly name. It’s actually a silly story in general, however this book arguably one of DC’s current best. Who would have thought that the popularity of this video game tie-in would turn out to be so popular? This really says something of this web-comic. (SPOILERS for this series in the next sentence!!) When you start off a series with Superman killing his wife and the Joker nuking Metropolis, you know you’re in for one hell of a ride.

While on the topic of DC, Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr.’s take on good ole’ Supes has been really entertaining. Sure, I know that JR JR’s art is highly divisive; if you’re not a fan of his art, though, you shouldn’t let that keep you from picking up this book. Johns’ story alone is worth the price of admission. Me, I love JR JR’s art. I’ve loved it since the early 90’s and I love it to this day. So this is a win win for me.

With those two books coming out this week how could it get any better? Well, The Walking Dead, Amazing Spider-Man, Axis, Cyclops, and She-Hulk are out this week too. It is going to be a fun week. While Axis hasn’t been all that great so far (in my opinion of course) it has been entertaining. And Cyclops? Though this book is shamefully on the chopping block, it is so good. Greg Rucka can put together one hell of a story as we see here in Cyclops. And we already know that Lazarus has been great with Rucka writing his dream project.

Great week indeed. I look forward to sitting down and plowing through this little pile of wonderfulness. What do you plan on reading this week? Let me know in the comments! I am more than interested.

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