The Pull – 1-20-16

This week we have some strong comic books coming out.
Batman #48
As you more than likely already know, Batman has been fantastic. Scott Snyder’s Super Heavy arc has actually been better than I though it was going to be considering Bruce isn’t under the cape and cowl anymore.
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #2
Injustice proves to be a very consistent series, even after Tom Taylor left the series. Many thought this series wouldn’t be long for this world considering it came out as a digital first video game tie-in. These books are among my favorite that DC has to offer, and if you’ve been keeping up, you more than likely think the same.
Tokyo Ghost #5
Rick Remender and Sean Murphy have gold on their hands here. With more and more big name artists putting out books for Image, we are able to see their creative imaginations explore with nearly limitless boundaries. Tokyo Ghost has an amazing premise, great writing, and spectacular art. This is one you don’t want to miss.
Astonishing Ant-Man #4
Nick Spencer continues to knock it out of the park with this book. Were you a fan of the woefully underrated Superior Foes of Spider-Man? Look no further than here to continue on with a great, funny, book.
Silver Surfer #1
My personal favorite book of 2015 was Dan Slott and Michael Allred’s take on Silver Surfer. Last year, there were rumors that this book would come to an end. Man was I happy to hear that it would have life beyond Secret Wars. Please do yourself a favor and start reading this story from the beginning; not this #1, 2014’s #1.
Star Wars #15
Finally, we have Marvel’s answer to Dark Horse’s sometimes struggling Star Wars titles. With issue #15, we start a new arc post-Vader Down. Each of the Star Wars books are the highlight of my week when they come out. I can’t wait to see what Jason Aaron has up his sleeve next.
And that’s it for this week!