The Pull – 11-26-14

sep140226Here’s to an early HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Lucky me, I have Wednesday off, so that gives me the opportunity to hit up my local comic book shop and get things prepped for Thursday. Thanksgiving is going to be a glorious day for me. I can imagine it now: turkey cooking in the oven, football on, comic book reading, video gaming, all followed by a feast. I can’t wait.

So here’s what I plan on picking up and reading during turkey day:

Superman #36

TMNT #40

Lazarus #13

Trees #7

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #17

Superior Iron Man #2

Superman has been awesome since Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. took over. The story is refreshing despite this being trodden territory and the art is fantastic if JR JR is your style. I’ve never been a Superman regular, but now I’m glad to say that I am.

TMNT has been utterly fantastic with this current iteration. I’ll admit, I jumped on board this train with City Fall and since then I’ve been hooked. I need to set aside some time and money to pick up the first few trades. From what I hear, it’s great. Let me know what you think if you read it.

Lazarus has been a consistently great book that feels like a movie in the making. Sure, many creators these days have been accused of writing books with the hopes of them being optioned off as movies or TV shows. And justifiably so. I mean, Robert Kirkman’s Outcast was pretty much green-lit before the book managed to even hit store shelves. Luckily Outcast is an awesome book. Regardless, Lazarus is one of many Image books that are dark and entertaining. Pick it up for a good, adult read.

Finally, I’d like to take some time to cry…I mean, Superior Foes is ending! All I can say is that this was an amazing series. This has been one of my favorite series in the past few years. It is sure to become a cult classic that many won’t realize its greatness before it’s too late. The series is over, and if you haven’t been reading it, you don’t know what you were missing. It’s too late to save the series, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it in its entirety. Pick it up, read it, and then lament over the fact that it is gone. Here’s to you, Boomerang and company!

That’s all I have. Let me know what you plan on reading over the holiday!

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