The Pull – 3-18-14

oct130160Last week was crazy. I watched all of True Detective, got down on a lot of Titanfall, and went to Kansas City Comic Con. Not to mention I am still trying to get through my backlog of comics. It’s good to have all of these wonderful things as my hobby as March has proven to have been one of the most awesome months for entertainment.

Without further ado, here is my pull list for this week:

Star Wars Dawn of the Jedi Force War #5

Superman Unchained #6

Lazarus #7

Sex Criminals #5

Daredevil #1

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #10

Superior Spider-Man Annual #2

Uncanny X-Men #19.Now

X-Men #12

Lot’s of great books this week to look forward too. Something strange about this, though, didn’t Superior Foes come out just last week? Hey, I’m not mad about it, this is probably my favorite book out now. It’s just odd, but hey, you won’t find me complaining.

Also, this is a Daredevil week which means that this is a good week. Not to mention a new Lazarus and Sex Criminals is coming out which brings everything together for me. I have my Superior comedy and my adult books all in one go.

Oh yeah, if you find the lack of presence from Saga in this list, don’t worry! I’m saving that book for the trades. I have read through the first 12 issues and am loving it.

Finally, if there is any book I am least looking forward to, it’s Superman Unchained. This has been a very disappointing book in my eyes, which is a shame considering the talent on board. I’m considering not even picking this one up. We’ll see.

That’s all I have for now, I need to get on some Titanfall and try to read a couple books before bed tonight. But still, let me know what you plan on reading this week!


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