The Pull – 4-16-14

Man, what is up with Superior Foes of Spider-Man? What a disappointment these past couple issues have been. I mean, it’s one thing to have a bad issue here and there, but having the core creative team be all but absent is baffling to me.
On the other hand, we have a fantastic series in Avengers A.I.. This is such a sleeper hit for me. I, for one, expected absolutely nothing from this book going in. Boy was I surprised at how well this book turned out to be. From the story portrayed to the absolutely amazing art, this has become one of my most anticipated books each time it shows up on my list. Seriously, read this book if you want a good old-fashioned, light hearted super hero book in your life.
Anyhow, here’s what I plan to read this week:
Batman #30
Amazing X-Men #6
Superior Spider-Man #31
Uncanny X-Men #20
X-Men #13
As far as numbers go, there’s not much going on here, but hey, a penny saved is a penny earned. Big things are going down this week and I am super excited about one book in particular, Superior Spider-Man #31.
This is it, everyone, this is the end. What a fantastic run it has been for our very own Ock-Spidey. This series may go down as one of the best Spider-Man arcs in the Web-head’s history. At first, many were skeptic and even pissed off at the new status quo. Slowly but surely, more and more people hopped on board as Dan Slott proved to everyone that Otto Octavius inside the body of Spider-Man would prove to be one of the best things to happen to Spider-Man in recent history. On the one hand, it is nice to see Peter Parker finally return. While on the other hand, Ock-Spidey will be missed. In any case, this is going to be one epic issue with one epic price tag: $5.99. I’m sure it’ll be worth it though. Great run, Mr.Slott.
Next up, we have Batman. I have said this before and I will hold true to my previous statements: I am not a fan of Zero Year. Even as this arc has gotten better recently, I am still not sold on it. Overall, the arc feels like a slow, meandering tale redeemed only by it’s fantastic art. I get what Scott Snyder is trying to do, and overall the story is good, but not as good as I would have expected given his uber-fantastic run on the series so far. The arc just doesn’t feel up to par with Snyder’s standards. But this is just my opinion. Many outlets, including IGN, have been enamored with this story, I just don’t get it I guess.
Finally, I want to touch upon Amazing X-Men. This was a book that I picked up with low expectations. After reading the first couple issues, I was intent on dropping it after the first arc. And now here I am, ready to pick it up again. This is a good old fashioned, fun X-Men book. A trade is soon to come out, so if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.
That’s all I have for now. Let me know what you plan on picking up in the comments below!