The Pull – 6-4-14

apr140723This week is a decent looking pull for me. I have a good mixture of everything here, and coming off of last week’s amazing books, I have a lot to look forward to.

Swamp thing #32

Wake #9

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #34

Amazing X-Men #8

Amazing X-Men Annual #1

Cyclops #2

Moon Knight #4

Original Sin #3

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12


We only have a couple more issues of Scott Snyder’s Wake. This has been a fantastic little series that I am glad to see come to an end…if that makes sense. I am becoming more and more of a fan of these self-contained stories. These short but sweet runs are growing on me.

Both Cyclops and Moon Knight are two excellent additions to Marvel’s current line of books. Both are unique books that deserve to be read based off of reading their beginnings. Moon Knight in particular has been great. And Cyclops, well, it’s a Rucka book. Enough said.

Finally, any day that we see Superior Foes of Spider-Man come out is a good day. Let’s hope that we return to greatness here after a few months of so so’ness…so to speak.

That’s what I’m picking up this week. What do you plan on getting? Let me know in the comments!

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