The Pull – 7-9-14

Man, the 4th of July was fun as hell for me. I was able to smoke a brisket, go swimming, and have my neighbors over for dinner just in time to fire off some explosions. That’s probably one of my favorite holidays. That aside, I’m still working through all my books from last week. From what I was able to read, here’s what I have to say in a nutshell:
-Satellite Sam was disappointing and hard to read which is unfortunate considering how awesome last month’s book was.
-Moon Knight was awesome. I can’t recommend this book enough.
-Lazarus was awesome. I need to write a review for this one. Rucka and Lark are on point with this book.
-Original Sin was good. It gave us a crazy story about Nick Fury’s past that is sure to draw some controversy.
-I still have Swamp Thing, Robocop, and Outcast to read from a few weeks ago.
Well, that was last week, here is what I plan on picking up this week:
Star Wars #19
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Two #7
Walking Dead #129
Amazing X-Men #9
Daredevil #5
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #13
And what a great week this is shaping up to be. I mean, look at it. We have Daredevil, which automatically makes this a great week. Top that off with Superior Foes, which is awesome in its own right (seriously, you need to read this book), Walking Dead, and Injustice……I can’t wait to read these books. There is not a dud in this list.
I’ll leave on a sad note, Star Wars is coming to an end on the Dark Horse label which is a shame considering how quality this book is. Let’s hope that when Marvel picks up the mantle that Brian Wood retains his position as writer.
That’s all I have for today. What are you reading this week?