The Pull – 9-11-13

Here is my pull list for this week:
Robocop Last Stand #2
Star Wars #9
Batman 23.2
Walking Dead #114
Avengers #19
Mighty Avengers #1
X-Men #5
Things are a little less hectic this week, but not by much. Of all the books out this week, I am most looking forward to reading Walking Dead. It is hard to think of a series as good as this, right? As popular as this series is, it is easy to dismiss it because of its popularity. These days, the cool thing to do is to NOT like popular things because of the fact that they are popular…even if you were a fan prior to it becoming popular. To that, I give a big WHATEVS. This is a great book and for good reasons. It is currently my number one book and I am not ashamed of it.
Next we continue on with villains month at DC. I’ll say this: I am not going to blindly buy every 3D cover book for the simple fact that it is 3D. If it is a book that I have been reading previously, then I am getting it. That’s not to say that I wasn’t tempted to buy some books outside of my normal pull when I was at the shop last week. These covers are pretty cool. I’m just sticking with what I am reading now for the most part. Also, I am not avoiding these books out of principle. I like the 3D covers. As I said, they’re cool to look at. Regarding the book itself, last week’s Joker story was pretty good. Nothing groundbreaking, but good. I’m looking forward to the rest of what Batman has to offer. It is a good respite from the Zero Year arc which has been less than stellar in my opinion. I’m just not digging it that much.
Moving on, Star Wars and X-Men are great books in their own right. Both penned by Brian Wood, these are great reads. We also see Avengers and Mighty Avengers continue the Infinity event which has been good so far.
Finally, we have Robocop. It is nice to be able to read limited series’ which have a defined end. I like picking up books knowing that it is not serialized and I will actually be getting an ending. Robocop was great last month. It should be good this week.
Happy reading.