The Pull – 9-25-13

More comics to read. My wallet is going to be in pain this week. Here is my pull:
Batman 23.4
Batman Superman 3.1
Injustice Gods Among Us #9
Wake #4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #26
Jupiter’s Legacy #3
Saga #14
Sex Criminals #1
Avengers #20
Guardians of the Galaxy #6
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #3
Wolverine and the X-Men #36
Well, I don’t know how I’m going to get through all of this. Good reading ahead for sure.
I am super interested (no pun intended) to see what is in store for Batman Superman, a book that I have been up and down on since it came out. A Doomsday story is a welcomed one at this point.
Of all the comics coming out this week, though, Guardians of the Galaxy has to be my number one. What a fantastic series this has been. From the writing to the art, this book is running on all cylinders. If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend you do so.
Superior Team-Up has to do a lot to earn my confidence back after that weird and awkward Scarlet Spider tie-in which left me questioning the purpose of this book’s existence.
As I have mentioned before, Marvels two big tie-ins, Battle of the Atom and Infinity continue on this week. Both of which are pretty great reads. Both Bendis and Hickman are on top of their game here.
Finally, I’ll leave things off with Image. More and more, I am losing interest in Jupiter’s Legacy. The story isn’t really that compelling and the author’s arrogance is grating on my nerves. Meanwhile, Matt Fraction is a writer that I just can’t get enough of. With Satellite Sam being so great, I am more than happy to read another one of his independent books. Oh yeah, where the heck is Hawkeye? It feels like it has been two months since the last issue came to the stands (remember that annual). It has been more than that since the epic Pizza Dog issue.
With that, good reading.