The Wake # 4 Review

Vertigo is something special. With the likes of Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire on board, we are seeing some great stories. The Wake is truly a great comic, and this issue delivers.
Starting off with the art seems more than appropriate. Sean Murphy’s visuals are nothing short of spectacular and a breath of fresh air compared to what we are used to seeing in typical super hero fare. Meanwhile, Matt Hollingsworth’s colors are completely beautiful. This is a duo that just gets it.
When you have art this great, you would hope that the story can keep up. And let me tell you, it does. Scott Snyder wasn’t shy to play his cards early on in the game by introducing the mermaid-like monsters in the first issue. That move forced me to think about what could possibly come next with 9 issues left. This issue does not disappoint.
We continue to see the flashbacks to ancient times at the beginning of the book. This scene in particular does well in conveying a mystery on top of what we are seeing in the main plot. Speaking of the main plot, our protagonists find themselves overwhelmed by these monsters as they try to find refuge. And these monsters are vicious. Sean Murphy’s art conveys their fierceness very well. Trapped beneath the sea, their situation is desperate as ever and the dialogue shows this very well.
As is usual in this medium, we are left with a cliffhanger. And this one is a doozie. I can’t wait to pick up the next issue. If you haven’t been reading this month to month, I highly suggest you do. I can’t speak for the trade when it ultimately comes out, we still have six issues to go, but with a track record like Scott Snyder, this book is as close to a sure bet as you could get.
Score: 8.8