To Leave or Not To Leave – The Pull – 6-24-15

Summer has officially begun and I can’t be more excited. We are in the midst of an amazing event at Marvel with Secret Wars while DC is kicking out some great new books themselves coming out of their universe-altering event, Convergence. There are tons of reasons to be a comic book fan and reader now days.
With the two major events I mentioned above comes major change. I find these changes perfect for evaluating your current pull list, meaning, what books can I jump off of? What books am I spending money on, but not quite enjoying? It’s these times that I evaluate the value proposition of the books I am spending money on, which is very important considering how expensive comic books can be these days.
Another thing that comes with these major events is the fact that books that you have read before may have a totally different creative team post-major event. Definitely keep this in mind as you may be unpleasantly surprised (or maybe even pleasantly) when you pick up the book after the major event. I am a fan of Geoff John’s all too brief Superman run, but the fact that he is now gone is a reason for me to jump off.
Additionally, times like these are also great for jumping onto new books. For example, I am a huge Bendis and Pichelli fan, so jumping on the new Miles Morales Spider-Man book is a no-brainer for me.
Just food for thought. Well, here is my pull list for this week. Enjoy!
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #4
Superman #41
Fade Out #7
Kaptara #3
Walking Dead #143
Daredevil #16
Planet Hulk #2
X-Men ’92 #1
One last thing, I really, really hope that X-Men ’92 is good and revels in its 1990’s cheesiness. Sure, I know that I could have read this as a web comic, but I want to hold this art in my hands in paper format to take me back to the all too glorious 1990’s.
Well, that’s all I have for today. Happy reading!