Trees #3 Review

From the opening splash page to the last panel, this is one pretty book to look at. Jason Howard has an amazing and uncanny ability to get you into the same room, the same space as the characters you are reading about. The angles that Howard sets up for each scene is as dynamic as you can ask for. To sum up the art, it is great. And the fact that the art of this book is so amazing only adds to the already amazing story that is being presented to us.
Warren Ellis had me from the beginning with this story. Though we don’t see much about the book’s namesake here, the alien Trees, we do see a lot of excellent character development. Where we saw the story shift between several different characters in the preceding two issues, here we see the story only shift between two, a young artist in China, and young female in Italy. Needless to say, Warren Ellis has done a fantastic job of getting me hooked and invested in each of the characters that was focused on this issue.
Wrap up everything you see here from the art to the excellent story, and you get a wonderful read. The world that Ellis and Howard set up for us is as intriguing of a world out there. I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.
Score: 9.0