Satellite Sam #2 Review
Matt Fraction is on to something great. I have never read a comic book quite like this. Just two issues in and we are tangled in a plot as thick as the Louisiana swamp in
Matt Fraction is on to something great. I have never read a comic book quite like this. Just two issues in and we are tangled in a plot as thick as the Louisiana swamp in
Here is my pull list for this week: Movement #4 Swampthing #23 Satellite Sam #2 Avengers A.I. #2 Superior Carnage #2 Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2 Superior Spider-Man #15 Of all the comics on this
The Netflix of comics. I love it. I love the service, I love the iOS app, and I love the selection it provides. Let me explain. When I first subscribed to this service I was
What can I say about this book? Scott Snyder is arguably the hottest writer out there now and any work outside of Batman that he does will be scrutinized with the best of them. That
Here is a rundown of my scores per each issue this week: Daredevil #29 – 8.4 Guardians of the Galaxy #5 – 8.7 The Wake #3 – 8.0 Uncanny X-Men #9 – 8.4 Batman Annual
Sara Pichelli. What can I say. Her art is amazing. It’s clean, fun, detailed, and dynamic. Paired with Bendis, Guardians is quickly becoming one of the few books that immediately go to the “read first” section
For the second issue in a row, recent Eisner Award winner, Chris Samnee, takes a back seat to the more than capable Javier Rodriguez. Again, Rodriguez delivers in a style that is eerily close to
Here is my pull list for this week: Batman Annual #2 Injustice: Gods Among Us #7 The Wake #3 Guardians of The Galaxy # 5 Uncanny X-Men # 9 X-Men #3 Although I look forward