Jonesing for Jonesy – The Pull – 2-10-16

Whew! This has been a crazy week with some awesome surprises. Bendis and Pachelli’s Spider-Man #1 was fantastic. I can’t say enough about Sara Pachelli’s artwork. It is utterly fantastic. It’s super nice to see this duo reunited.
Meanwhile, Len Wien’s return to Swamp Thing is hitting amazing strides despite the first issue’s tone problems. I’m super excited to see where the mini-series goes from here.
But alas! The new week is already upon us and there are more great comic books to look forward to. Here is my pull for the week:
Jonesy #1
Batman #49
Batman TMNT #3
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #3
James Bond #4
Descender #10
Injection #7
Low #11
Darth Vader #16
Old Man Logan #2
And there you have it, a week that will make me broke. There are so many great books coming out this week, but of them all, I am looking forward to Jonesy and Descender the most. Sam Humphries is a highly underrated creator. A couple years back, Avengers A.I. completely won me over. Humphries (and Andre Lima Araujo) put out one of the best comic books of 2014 with that book. And though Araujo won’t be appearing on Jonesy, I am more than hyped to read more of Humphries’ work.
And then you have Descender. This is a book that is already in the works for movie treatment by Sony, and rightfully so. This book has me completely enthralled with its characters and world. Jeff Lemire’s Image books continue to amaze. Trillium was a testament to that . Descender continues to deliver, so get on board while you can. You definitely want to be one of the cool kids who read the book before the movie…ugh, did I just say that?
Well that’s all I have for this week. Let me know what you think in the comments!