Surfing – The Pull – 7-6-16
Few books are coming out that can match the wonder of Dan Slott and Michael Alred’s current Silver Surfer run. Silver Surfer hasn’t traditionally had amazing runs. The epic character is understandably difficult to write. But since the current team debuted the book a couple of years back, Silver Surfer hasn’t been better. Pairing up the power cosmic clad hero with Dawn Greenwood, Surfers’s current small-town friend, was brilliant. The pair, err, trio (you have to include Surfer’s board, dubbed Toomie, in the mix as even it has a personality) have gone on whimsical and fantastic adventures.
Of all the books that have come out in the past few years, I would be hard pressed to find another book to recommend.
And with that, here is my pull for this week:
Batman #2
Future Quest #2
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Five #13
The Fix #4
Tokyo Ghost #8
Walking Dead #156
Silver Surfer #5
Until next time!