The Pull – 1-28-14

662674_9e293e2ca8c3396a0dd578a0776aee182d8cac78This week we are going to see some awesome comics come out. I won’t prolong it, here is what I plan on picking up this glorious Wednesday:

Batman #38

Sex Criminals #10

Inhuman #11

Thor #4

Uncanny X-Men #30

In the world of DC and Marvel, we don’t see books going past issue twenty-five or so. Sure, Image has some long-running books that are definitely worth reading. But with both Marvel and DC seemingly re-booting or re-numbering their series once every couple of years, it’s rare to see larger numbers. There may be numerous reasons as to why this is so. Perhaps these big companies think that higher numbered books appear too intimidating to potential new readers. Or perhaps they don’t have confidence enough that their readers would stay on board past a certain number. And guess what, with what Marvel just announced with Battle World, we are sure to see tons of new books hitting the shelves and tons of old books biting the dust. That’s too bad because it seems like we can’t get a good handle on continuity these days.

Now there is a reason to my rambling. This week we see both Batman and Uncanny X-Men hit a high water mark in relatively recent history (I’m pointing at you, New 52 and you, Marvel Now). It’s refreshing to see these books get up there in numbers. Both of these books deserve it too. Brian Michael Bendis has been doing a fantastic job as of late with his Uncanny series. This book seems to be hitting on all cylinders, especially when Chris Bachalo is on board. In my opinion, this is one of the more solid X-books out there amidst a ton of other great books.

Finally, Batman. Need I say more? Let’s just say this, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are absolute beasts and are a perfect fit for the Bat. But then again, you already know that, right?

Well that’s all I have for this week. Talk to you later!


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