The Pull – 2-4-15

655473_f42960c0485a439d7631100ac90ed188bdb20618Here are six comic books to look forward to this week. At least this is what I am most looking forward to picking up and reading!

Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #8

Superman #38

Wytches #4

Antman #2

Hawkeye #21

Star Wars #2

Descender #1

First off, I simply can’t give enough praise to Injustice. In its third year, this book doesn’t seem to be losing steam at all. This is one video game spinoff that is arguably the best of its kind. If you’re a fan of alternate realities where anything can happen without consequence, look no further. Sure, in the end this may not mean anything at all to the New 52 cannon, but that’s what makes this all the more fun! Seriously, people are going to look back at this series very, very fondly.

Moving on, I can’t say I’m much of a Superman fan. Sure, I’ve always liked and respected him as a character, but I just haven’t had as much of a connection with him as I have with many other great super heroes. It took Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr. collaborating to finally find a story that I loved. These creators are simply knocking it out of the park with this one. In just a few issues, they have captured me in a way that not even Scott Snyder and Jim Lee could do. Here’s to a great series and a new super power for our caped crusader.

Speaking of Scott Snyder, we are going to see the fantastically spooky Wytches come out. Despite Halloween passing us by what seems like ages ago, we are still amidst a cold, harsh winter that suits this story very well.

Marvel is coming out with a trio of books that are vying for the top spot on my list of books to read first. Antman is coming off of a hilarious start with issue number two. If you miss Superior Foes of Spider-Man, look no further than this series. And if you miss Hawkeye, well guess what, it’s here this week! Seriously though , as awesome as this series has been, I just want it to end. There’s no need to let this series linger in a constant, delay hell. Finally, what more do I have to say than Star Wars? That’s right, Star Wars is back and I can’t wait to read it.

With that behind us, what are you looking forward to reading this week. Let us know in the comments!


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