The Pull – 11-10-14

SEP140247DSo what comics am I excited for this week? Here you go:

Batman #36

Kitchen #1

Fadeout #3

Outcast #5

Walking Dead #134

Wytches #2

Avengers and X-Men Axis #5

She-Hulk #10

Silver Surfer #7

Superior Iron Man #1

Thor #2

After a few weeks of smaller pulls, this week is going to be big for me. There are just so many great books coming out this week that I don’t know where to even start! This is a good problem.

Scott Snyder is putting out two books this week in Batman and Wytches. Coming off of the epic Zero Year arc that took all but a year, we are now in the thralls of the next big thing in Endgame. At this point it’s a safe bet to say that this is going to be a great arc with the dynamic duo of Snyder and Capullo. We also can’t count out FCO Plascencia as this color artist is just as integral a part of this team as anybody else.

Snyder and Jock’s Wytches saw a strong debut last month. The art is expectedly amazing and the story had a strong and creepy start. Here’s to hoping this series pans out. And moving along on the same “spooky” front, Robert Kirkman has two books of his own out on Wednesday in The Walking Dead and Outcast. Let me just say this, Outcast has been a solid book so far and with a TV series green-lighted, now is as good a time as any to hop onboard.

Finally, Superior Iron Man is a book that I am more excited for than I thought I would be. The last Iron Man book I bought was in the mid-90’s, so this book can either make or break my future with good ole Shell-Head.

Well, that’s all I have for now. Let me know what you plan on reading in the comments!

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