The Pull – 12-10-13

oct130647Another Wednesday is sneaking up on me faster than that scary Burger King mascot. Here is my pull list for this week:

Star Wars #12

Batman #26

Lazarus #5

Satellite Sam #5

Walking Dead #118

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6

Uncanny X-Men #15.INH

Good mix here, I think. Overall, I am going to try my hardest to avoid the Inhumanity tie-ins in an effort to save some money. Uncanny is it for me so far.

Books I can’t wait to read? Well, this is my pull so I can’t wait to read all of them! All jokes aside, Superior Foes is on the top of my list. This series is fantastic in its own right and deserves to be spoken of as one of Marvel’s best books out now. Please buy and read this series. Support it, do whatever. Just read it.

Moving on, The Walking Dead is continuing on in its path of greatness with All Out War. Robert Kirkman is a man that is confident in his story telling and he is holding nothing back here. It’s no wonder this series has taken off to such epic proportions.

Of course we have our Satellite Sams and Lazarus’s in the Image world, both of which have been utterly fantastic.

What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments!

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